Editor's Letter
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Hello again from the Whatever Magazine staff! Its been a long time since we've put out a print issue, so some of you have a lot of catching up to do. We've compiled lots of stuff for this issue and really hope you like it. So, why so long between issues? Well the main thing that's been going on around here is the continuing relationship between Lizzy and me. |
Now that we've made our purchase and moved we actually have less time than before. I knew I'd have some additional tasks to take care of, but it seems that my weekends are full of maintenance man duties and trips to Home Depot.
Thankfully I still have enough time to go to the occasional concert, and Lizzy still has enough time to put together the web site. Lately she's been working on figuring out how to print better pages than my cut and paste ones and I think she's done a great job. Most of this issue was put together by her in half the time it takes me to cut everything out, paste it down and make millions of copies.
Elsewhere on the Whatever Magazine gossip front- Dave Counts our cartoonist and political guru has been up to his usual too much good.
Counts ran the Boston Marathon again this year and made his time goal. He also continues to coach track, work at the PR agency, do cartoons and web design for a bunch of folks, and now he's been accepted in not one but two Boston comedy troupes. Look for him to break the big time soon – appearing in both Sitcom and Theatre Sports.
Rev McStretchy has also had an interesting year. Seems that his houseboat took off from its mooring and he now finds himself adrift somewhere between Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. When on land he's in a band and actually manages to sing once and a while. We haven't heard from him in a while now, so we sent the Coast Guard out to find him. We'll keep you posted on his whereabouts. If anybody sees him please call us.
In other Whatever news fronts I'm still trying to decide if we should re-name the zine or not. Our tag "The Journal for Good People with Bad Jobs" seems less and less relevant as we keep getting promoted in our corporate jobs. Although we beg you fine readers for bad job stories we just don't get enough of them. If you have any suggestions on what a new tag line for this little zine might be please e-mail them to us.
Also, I've got to say a big "I'M SORRY" to all you readers who have sent money in for an issue- I've been putting off sending them to you until we had something new, and my self-imposed deadlines keep getting pushed back. I'll enclose something with the subscribers issues to help make up for the wait.
Lastly, I'd like to thank all the bands, PR people, and friends who keep sending us stuff, and letting us into shows for free. We've really got some top-rate bands in this issue.
I guess that's all I've got to say- it's been a while but I don't want to go on about nothing, so instead I'll just go.