Bad Internet
Do you want to _know_ why its all crap? I mean, this big expensive elaborate internet of ours? I will illustrate.
My first example:
Second, I grabbed the com.zones file from internic. It's a list of all of the .com domains.
To give you an idea how fucked up everything is, look at this.
-rw-r--r-- 1 60 10 45114620 May 23 22:36 -rw-r--r-- 1 60 10 526366 May 23 22:37 -rw-r--r-- 1 60 10 91533 May 23 22:40 -rw-r--r-- 1 60 10 22888 May 23 22:56 -rw-r--r-- 1 60 10 2406248 May 23 22:38 -rw-r--r-- 1 60 10 3660582 May 23 22:40
Lesse.. Something look a little out of balance for a NSF/ARPA project? Designed for _education_, etc?
Its all fried up. Like, I scanned for domains with the words 'SEX' 'CUM' 'FUCK' and 'ADULT' in them.. Over 3000. That is out of approximatly 325,000 domains. So, only about 10% of this network WAS CREATED TO TRANSPORT PORNO TO PEOPLE. Checking usenet stats, over 90% of traffic is and
Can we even count the number of web sites with porn on them? I really really doubt it. There are _soo_ many.. But, I can get a count of indexed ones.
A search for 'sex' on altavista gave me 1307225 matches. 1.3 MILLION. That was a web search. A usenet search only yeilded 684538 matches of the word 'sex'. I look up 'pictures' harmless enough, eh? 2239554 matches. They are not all porn though. However, when i search those for the words 'sex, tits, fuck, pussy, nude' I only eliminate approximatly 250,000 entries. Just less the 2 million entries left.
So, the web is crap. Its easy to use, and you get to see naked girls on it. Thats _all it does_.. Jesus christ.. Can you explain to me why nap's spend millions on maintaining and building _huge_ elaborate networks just to courier this shit? Over $74 million dollars were spent last year setting up _one_ E3 across the atlantic. For what?
Sprint and mci have invested _hundreds of millions_ into a national backbone, and isp's buy up access faster then the phone companys can install the circuts. And what fuels it?
I just don't understand. It ceases to amuse me anymore. What is wrong? I don't understand it. If you saw 60 minutes last week, you saw a piece on how russia was 'a sick society', and really basically a dieing one too. Is it possible we're just a fucked up one? Like, people in general?
Ah well.
My boredom is the fuel for lots of pointless things.
Ok, I got really bored and decided to check up on the findings about the net sucking. here's what I found from 2 of the big engines...
/----- Hits ----\ String AltaVista Infoseek ------------------------------------------------------------- frotteurism -purity 30 9 image:fuck 124 n/a image:sex 1000 n/a necrophilia 1086 91 pedophilia 3755 249 bestiality 5513 491 pornography 63106 3644 porn -pornography 88212 2537 erotic 88913 4094 fuck 131373 4429 sex 1362314 28662
looks like this is showing 3 things... there are a good number of pervs out there,
those people are very uncreative (more hits on sex than specific areas, as gross as
they may be), and that altavista is actually a much better engine than infoseek for
this stuff...