Issue 13 Contents


Lollapalooza, Great Woods, July 25, 2003

Decided last minute to go to Lollapalooza. Got a free ticket. It was lots of marketing and shopping, but the girl bands at the beginning of the day were worth the gas money.

The Distillers oepned the main stage. They did a signing later where if you bought the CD for $15 bucks you could get it autographed. If you didn't have the cash, you could wait in another line and maybe get something signed.

The US Marines were there having some kind of pull-up contest. That's open-minded. Gotta give it to Perry, at his festivel you can bitch about the Marines and join them.

The Dominatrix show was better. I don't know how many pull-ups he can do, but this guy's wearing leather pants in 90 degree heat and taking a public beating for talking without permission; he would make a damn fine Marine. Motherfucker can take an order. I don't know if she'd pass in the military. Too indy, probably too high maintenance. Although she'd be good officer material.

The Donnas were fun as shit, as usual. They did "Strutter" as a special song. I knew their set from the River Rave and they mixed it up. I was in row Y, that's 25 from the front and here is what I got with the Olympus Camedia C-50 zoom. I kept it low and it focused mostly on the mohawk on the guy 4 row in front of me, who I cropped out.

I stood next to this girl's aunt at the Donnas' signing.

I wore Lizzy's Lollapalooza 1 shirt and matched the topiary.

Caught the Donnas in the golf cart heading back to the tour bus before they departed. Torry saw me and smiled. I checked the close up and the driver isn't picking his nose, I think he is wiping his face.

Security didn't like me taking photos inside, and the photos aren't that good, so I didn't try during QOTSA, or Audioslave. Split before Jane's to go to a kegger back home. Saw their short set at the Rave: it was good, but not better then beer and fireworks in the backyard. I didn't stay long, since I kinda looked out of place in the surburban two-kids scene. Came home to blog.

Update- 08/01/2003
I promised some Donnas fans I'd post more photos, so here are a few more from their signing at Lollapalooza.


