Editor's Letter
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Welcome to the first issue of WHATEVER, the new, local, user-friendly, zine. We figured it would be nice to stop pissing away each night bitching about our crappy day jobs and do something productive for a change. This was what we came up with. |
Since public access television is full of Star Trek freaks and fat wrestlers, (who are taking applications for a new RI federation- they need announcers, fighters, and referee's if your qualified) we decided to create a magazine where YOU CAN BITCH TO US ABOUT YOUR CRAPPY JOB!! We'll print the best selections so you can find out what it is like to work all over the place. We don't care how much money you make, or what you do, as long as you can clearly describe your daily pain .
Hopefully, with a little time and cooperation, we can create a network of retailers, restaurants, and services who treat the poor slob at the end of the chain with a decent wage and some self respect. People who treat us poorly should have their businesses boycotted. It's that easy.
We have to tell each other, and that's what these pages are for, who treats their staff well, who hires and fires you as soon as it's time for medical benefits, who makes you work holidays- without overtime, and who bitches at you all day for nothing at all. It's time to speak up about being given shitty jobs, and tell who is the shittiest employer of all. You can think of it as a big contest with no prize other than seeing your face included in our "Slave of the Month" feature.
The biggest employer in America today is Manpower, the temp agency. By the year 2000 almost half of all the jobs in the USA will be temp positions. We are stuck with becoming the new temporary work force of the future. Unless it includes medical benefits, free cable, and free beer, we don't think we should just lie down and let some money hungry jerk get away with providing a lousy work environment during the time we work there.
We know most people's jobs suck in some way, so if yours does, or your friends does, write it down and send it too us. Also, if you can give us some hint's on scamming your business, or getting a deal of any kind, let us know. We're cheap as shit and we penny pinch from force of habit.
That's not all WHATEVER is about. We'll also print your concert reviews, movie reviews, scan your comic into an issue, pretty much WHATEVER you end up sending us. We have a small staff, just a bunch of us who write, and have too much time.
If it's worth covering, we'll do our best to do it. We apologize up front if our political views seem somewhat left, and if we neglect to cover the latest pop releases, but we don't care. What we're concerned with is more the fringe worker trying to make an honest buck and the music and t.v. that keeps them going.
This issue of WHATEVER is free, and if we can get somebody to buy some ad space, or take out a classified, we'll keep it free. We're going to try to keep this as cheap an operation as possible, but it looks like it's going to become necessary to charge down the line. We'll try to make sure it's worth the buck.
If you want to take out a classified ad our rates are this- $2.00 gets you up to twenty words, after that it's .10 cents a word. If you want to take out a bigger advertisement, the rate is one dollar per square inch.
Anybody who wants an issue or something must SEND A SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE with TWO stamps, and we'll handle the rest.
So this issue, Gregg, who uses Internet from Seattle to send his feature, will hopefully unlock himself from the closet for some music reviews. Terri is right now out thrifting for her piece on the Salvation Army store's in the area- she's been to three and just keeps going.. And the guy's from Freak Show are supposed to give us their new demo to review. All this and WHATEVER, 'cause we're really not sure either.