The 4th Annual Providence Payback
with The Amazing Crowns

January 27th-29th 2000
@ The Met Cafe

Continued from ...Beginning of story

It was cold Saturday night. I waited with some band members and other people for an hour outside the Met before a key showed up. Once inside it was nice though. JD's wife and friends were around, as well as Jack's. For soundcheck The Crowns did some new stuff that should be on the live CD due out soon.

Mike from Moneyshots was around. He developed most of the film from Whatever Issue # 1-3, I think. He works at Modern Primitives now. Poster Punk Pete was around as well and it was kinda crowded before the doors really opened.

Moneyshots are a great band. Besides Mike they have Ted Rao from Double Nuthins on guitar, some of the Tossoffs on guitar, and more guitar. They did some awesome guitar punk and metal and got major bonus points for attempting to get the bass player on to one of the other guys shoulders. Mike fell of course, but it got a great reaction. Mike also managed to nail the drummer with either his bass or some piece of drum equipment, resulting on a nice bleeder that wasn't to big, but spilled some pints. Check out the towel of blood.


Fabulous Itchies

Boston's The Burbonaires were up next. Stand up bass, Acoustic and wide body guitar and rockabilly straight up. These guys were great. Their singer, Sean Coleman had a good ole deep voice that carried like Jerry Lee it seemed. He did the requisite "Weeeeeeeeeeellll" pretty nice. The lead guitar by Andrew was also excellent. They have a new CD "A Shot of Burbonaires" out on Howlin Records PO Box 391262, Central Station, Cambridge, MA 02139. Check them out. Also

Fabulous Itchies played to a packed house. Providence loves these guys and they did a great set. Dennis Kelly played a great lead and the whole band looked like they were having a blast. I didn't keep track of the songs, I spent my time trying to get to the bathroom and back before the Crowns came on. It was packed as hell, but nobody seemed to mind.

The Crowns came on and capped off their three nights with a great set. They had plenty of shout outs to people like Modern Primitives, Randy in the merch booth (free candy every night), Moneyshots, the Fab. Itchies, Ashley Von Hurter "when they get their shit together and play," Dennis, and of course all the kids who come out for the greasy fun.

They did many favorites, but also a bunch of new stuff like, "Out the Door," " I'm Leaving Now," and an old Boss Fuel song "Taking the Ride." The kids up front as well as the back had a blast. I took many photos and really had fun. They handed out gift bags each night and I got a "Doc Martens book and plenty of stickers in mine.

Keep an eye out for the Live CD due out in March. Don't forget, "Royal" comes out in June on Time Bomb Records. The Amazing Crowns will be back out on the road by April and should be in your town sometime soon. Their non-stop tour is totally worth the money and time. Say Hi to them from Providence.

Amazing Crowns

Amazing Crowns